Monday, February 27, 2006

goings and comings

goings: me, to kansas city and the greater denver-boulder area a la thursday. thank you rotary international for allowing me this spring break even though i'm not in school. and thank you to billye and david white for being cool parents, cool enough to temporarily move to colorado and ensuring my first ski bum experience since high school. i'll be schmoozing it up in KC Friday and Saturday with a bunch of Rotarians and other "scholars," then heading on to Denver to chill with my good friend from CSU, the lovely Ms. Kayla Wager. A week of skiing and a weekend of driving back will put me back in J-town in mid-March.

comings: the young H.H. Henningsworth, also known as Hayden, back from Martinique. a little culture shocked but not for the worst, a good friend of many of ours returned thiw weekend a little earlier than expected. he'll be all in the Conway area for the time being, until his departure in teh fall for Seattle for acupuncture school.


Blogger Unknown said...

awesome that you're getting to go to colorado (now just how do you get rotary to pay for such a thing??). and hayden's coming back this weekend? i've missed working with you boys. when you talk to hayden, please let him know i'm looking for him...

6:03 PM  

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